He has published this tweetstorm on April 29 and the overall conclusion of his research has been published in a blog post also. In that blog post also it has been mentioned that this second-largest cryptocurrency is extremely bullish according to the market cap.
The 10k Audit.
I manually audited the top 10,000 Ethereum addresses to learn about liquidity, profitability, market manipulation and what Whales are doing with their money.
This is the first of many reports to come from this data set.
(Blog version in last tweet) pic.twitter.com/OzdhkYEdp7
Through the research of Adam Cochran, it has been revealed that 17% of the total ETH is held by the top ten wallets. He has also revealed that top 10,000 Ethereum addresses are holding around 56.7% of the total ETH. If this is to be compared with Bitcoin, then top 10K Bitcoin wallets are holding around 57.44% of total BTC.
Adam Cochran has also made it clear that equity of distribution of Ethereum and Bitcoin cannot be compared with any other coins. As far as payment processors are considered Ethereum is much more ahead than Bitcoin. In the past 60 days, 16.2 million ETH has been passed through the payment processor. On the other hand, in the past two years, 0.36% Bitcoin has been passed through the payment processor.
Adam Cochran also found out about the accumulation of Whales in the down market. It has also been mentioned that the Whales have increased their positions by more than 4% as they have injected $550 million into the market.
On the other hand, Bitcoin has injected around $600 million into the market in the past twelve months from all the accounts. A huge section of miners has started to stock Ether. This step has been taken in order to convert the mining operations into the staking one.
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