On Dec. 7, co-founder of Blockstack Muneeb Ali was interviewed by Reuters where he updated on the firm. He also summarized the legal memorandum for achieving compliance later that day. The legal memorandum was prepared by Blockcstack’s independent counsel, Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati, PC (WSGR).
As per Ali, Blockstack is planning on launching its STACKS 2.0 on Jan. 14, 2021, while transitioning itself into a fully decentralized company. Its STX token will no longer have its security status. Such a move will enable the STX token to allow both the mining and trading of the token in the United States.
Even after transitioning to abandon its securities status, Ali said that it will be up to the cryptocurrency exchanges whether they would list the STX token, saying:
Once Stacks 2.0 launches, the decentralized cloud computing platform for building decentralized applications will file for an exit report to the U.S. SEC.
The firm’s CEO Muneeb Ali further highlighted that:
Blockstack had launched its token sale in 2019 after the firm filed with SEC’s Regulation A+ Crypto Token sale. The move made Blockstack the first to raise a token sale through the securities market.