Institutional and individual investors in Brazil can currently trade 11 ETFs with exposure to cryptocurrencies through B3, including Empiricus' CRPT11 with Vitreo; Investo's NFTS11; QR Assets' QBTC11, QETH11, and QDFI11; and Hashdex's META11, HASH11, BITH11, ETHE11, DEFI11, WEB311. Furthermore, the Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM) has approved over 25 investment funds in Brazil that provide exposure to the crypto-assets market.
In January, B3's head of information technology, Jochen Mielke de Lima, stated that the Brazilian stock exchange would offer numerous cryptocurrencies-related products in 2022, including Bitcoin and Ethereum (ETH) futures.
The CEO stated that the Brazilian stock exchange had been studying the cryptocurrency industry from a technology standpoint since 2016. According to Jochen Mielke de Lima, B3 plans to offer services to national cryptocurrency exchanges and act as a "centralizer" of custody and settlement operations in addition to BTC and ETH futures. B3 also wants to introduce new cryptocurrencies and blockchain-based products in 2022. There are studies on an asset tokenization platform, cryptocurrency trading, and cryptocurrency custody. B3 representatives predicted the official introduction of a reinsurance platform in 2022. This collaboration between the exchange and IRB Brazil will use the Corda blockchain R3.