The Input-Output (IOHK) tweeted the most recent information and added that the Vasil hard fork had been successfully deployed on the Cardano Testnet. To verify that the tool's integrations and configurations align with the recently released program, the update also instructs SPOs and developers to begin deploying their work on the testnet. Cardano has moved one step closer to the debut of the Vasil hard fork mainnet, which will take place four weeks after the testnet. Before the team "triggers the mainnet launch," the designated time frame will provide SPOs and developers to carry out the necessary tests and evaluations.
The Twitter update further mentions that the Cardano Foundation and IOHK team will collaborate closely with the DApp/tool creators throughout the procedure to guarantee that the deployed apps are compatible with the recently activated Vasil Hard Fork.
By the end of July 2022, when the mainnet launches, Cardano's overall network functionality, and compatibility are expected to improve significantly. Cardano will be able to process transactions quickly, with fewer expenses and fees once the mainnet fork is live. Other advantages of the Vasil enhancements, according to the IOHK, include "greater throughput through diffusion pipelining to a better developer experience with much-increased script performance & efficiency" (plus lower costs).