The project's unofficial completion date is 2025. The project's first year (2023) concentrates on its game-theoretical elements, including The Quest for Liberty, a player kit, and the Digital Life Tokens that players acquire while playing the game.
The Quest for Liberty, a game where players purchase player kits featuring riddles that can be solved to acquire Digital Life Tokens, is the focal point of the Andiami project's early stage. According to Di Iorio, player uniforms will cost between $500 and $5,000. The technological requirements for running complete nodes intimidate many crypto consumers. Di Iorio thinks that The Cube's plug-and-play functionality, with skillfully designed gamification, will make it simple and enjoyable for users to operate the entire node for their preferred network, further decentralizing blockchain infrastructure.
The objective of Andiami is to further decentralize the cryptocurrency infrastructure. A large portion of the infrastructure supporting cryptocurrencies is either outsourced to infrastructure companies like Infura or operates on the platforms of massive cloud computing providers like Amazon Web Services (AWS). Andiami's ultimate goal is to transfer that infrastructure to ordinary users by making the job of running a complete node less terrifying.
The focus will switch to Andiami's main hardware product, "The Cube," in 2024 and 2025. This plug-and-play blockchain computer operates entire nodes for networks like Ethereum and Bitcoin.