The IPFS network is a distributed storage and data sharing platform which is managed by the Filecoin Foundation that stores files based on content, using ‘content IDs,’ over the location. On IPFS, multiple computers can store the same file so that if one computer were to go offline, another user can retrieve the file from another computer on the network.
Therefore, these computers can be located somewhere besides earth to facilitate quicker extraterrestrial communication, such as with GPS coordination or environmental monitoring. The idea is to reduce latency when downloading data from remote locations, such as the moon.
“We need to create the technology to enable a long-term presence in space without having to depend exclusively on Earth-based communications and data storage. We need to build the technologies that will allow us to maintain a long-term presence in space,” says Joe Landon, vice president of advanced programs development at Lockheed Martin Space.
With the partnership, the two firms plan to identify a satellite or other space-faring platform with the capability of holding technology that can operate an InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) node.