These shoes will go through some digital token making process. In that condition, each shoe will be given a token. Each of those token will have a digital avatar that will prevent other entities from creating the same sort of shoes. Excellent digital symbolic protection tools will protect these tokens. Each shoe will be given a symbol, and that token will be connected with the identification code of the person that owns it. At any point in time, the owner of that shoe can sell the shoe to the other party. While purchasing these shoe from the vendors, one should do a thorough checking of the background authentication of the vendor. After buying the shoes, the user is supposed to scan the UPC of the shoe.
This whole process of shoemaking will include barcoding. Similarly, this barcode scanning will be featured in the sneaker app. This app can be operated on the user smartphone. Nike also mentions that the token can be linked with shoe sales. It would also enable the shoe scarcity in circulation for getting verified. Likewise, the significant part here is of the cryptographic token that will be the core factor which will define the authenticity. The significant role here is of the application that would seek to increase customer interaction. Cryptokicks will be attached to a system that will use blockchain for digital assets. As the blockchain becomes more involved with the technology, the industry will accelerate its development.