Drivechains are a particular kind of sidechain, a second blockchain that communicates with the main blockchain that tries to provide an enhanced user experience (UX). Paul Sztorc, the CEO and founder of the business and a renowned researcher and developer of the Bitcoin protocol, has been focusing on drivechains since 2015.
In Bitcoin improvement proposals (BIPs) 300 and 301, Sztorc described the idea of drivechains. The system, on which Layer 2 Labs would primarily concentrate its efforts, enables users to transfer bitcoin (BTC) back and forth between the significant Bitcoin blockchain and several drivechains.
Sztorc claims that the goal of drivechains is to provide Bitcoin users with access to cutting-edge services and goods that are now only available on altcoin platforms. Examples would include Ethereum's Augur, a prediction market where users may place bets on particular outcomes, and Zcash's zero-knowledge proofs, a method of demonstrating anything without revealing private information.
The business stated in a release that it believes that drivechains can destroy altcoins, promote Bitcoin acceptance, and serve as the spark for hyperbitcoinization. Austin Alexander, an 8-year Kraken veteran and developer of the Bitcoin Core CryptAxe, makes up the core team of Layer 2 Labs in addition to Sztorc.