Plonky2 is an essential step towards Ethereum scaling. While ZK L2s have the best use case, the current solutions depend on cryptographic primitives that are inefficient and limit scalability. Ultimately, L2 competes on throughput and cost, Plonky2 gives the Polygon ecosystem to build better scalable L2s.
One of the biggest strengths of ZK-Proofs is recursion which is critical for blockchain scalability. This means one SNARK can verify the other SNARKs making the network performance faster, less resource-intensive, and more decentralized.
To support recursion and low verification cost on Ethereum, Plonky2 combines PLONK and FRI and the best of STARKs. SNARK is a type of cryptographic proof that proves the veracity of data without revealing the contents of that data.
Commenting on the development, the Polygon team wrote in a blog post:
“Plonky2 is a recursive SNARK that is 100x faster than existing alternatives and natively compatible with Ethereum. It combines PLONK and FRI for the best of STARKs, with fast proofs and no trusted setup, and the best of SNARKs, with support for recursion and low verification cost on Ethereum.”
Plonky2 represents the latest step in Polygon’s ongoing commitment to transition from being just a solution provider to building the future of Ethereum.