Through reports, it came out that the Russian government is now thinking of lifting their ban on Telegram. This step will be taken by the government due to the huge spread of coronavirus. Pavel Durov, founder of Telegram has said that he will help the government to spread awareness about the COVID-19 pandemic. With the help of its platform, it will also help the government to tell about its initiatives to deal with the virus to the citizens of the country.
The deputies of the State Duma of Russia drafted a bill to end the unnecessary ban on the social media platform Telegram. The bill has been sent to the Prime Minister and the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Communications head of Russia. Once the bill is reviewed by both of them, the decision will be made whether it has to be approved or not.
If the bill will be passed, it will lift up the ban which has been imposed on Telegram and specifically prevented the state bodies of the Russian government from using it.
The main concern of the Russian government was to protect the country against terrorist attacks. It has been reported that Telegram has been used by the terrorists and the platform did not allow the government to monitor any of the user’s activity or information. Terrorists who have attacked the subway station in St. Petersburg in 2017 have been using Telegram to launch the attack.
Both the Prime Minister and Digital Development minister have received the bill. However, it is yet to be seen whether the bill will be passed by the Russian government or not.
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