The CEOs of all five exchanges are expected to be part of the body, which will be separated into Transaction Support, Market Surveillance, and Compliance Monitoring sectors with appropriate working employee distribution. The collective's responsibilities would include setting universal screening criteria for trading support (listing) and "Restoring the Fairness of the Virtual Asset Market and Protecting Investors" through establishing and improving domain standards.
This effectively means that South Korea's crypto exchanges will decide to delist various cryptocurrencies on the same table based on money laundering assessments, issuance without disclosure, rapid fluctuations in circulation volume or price, and so on. Advertising cryptocurrency-related products are also likely to require an investment warning starting in July. The advisory group is expected to build a cryptocurrency warning system and delisting standards by September and provide crypto evaluation and white papers. In the event of another Luna-like incident, the article stated that a decision would be made to halt cryptocurrency deposits and withdrawals.
The leading local exchanges have set a timetable for delisting Litecoin on collective decision-making by sales in South Korea. Binance has entered the queue due to a slew of similar announcements following the Litecoin MimbleWimble Extension Blocks (MWEB) upgrade.