Meanwhile, today's governance vote approved the proposal to burn nearly 1 billion UST tokens from the community pool.
The Terra network's demise rocked the whole crypto sphere. The initiative, on the other hand, has no intention of shutting down.
In a Friday tweet, the Terra development team stated they've been working constantly to coordinate the launch of the new spin-off blockchain. "We expect Terra to go operational on May 28th, 2022 at roughly 06:00 AM UTC, subject to potential change," they said.
Following the completion of a vote among validators, a snapshot of the new Terra iteration was taken earlier this week, with a 65.5 percent acceptance percentage. Many decentralized apps from Terra Classic — the previous chain that spiraled to zero — have pledged to migrate to the new Terra 2.0 blockchain, according to the developers.
Many crypto exchanges have expressed their support for the rebirth plan by allowing the new Terra tokens to be listed, traded, and migrated on their platforms.
Holders of LUNA and UST who were impacted by the algorithmic stablecoin's downfall will receive additional LUNA tokens on a regular basis to prevent them from selling their LUNA and UST tokens. At least 30% of their tokens will be released initially, with the remainder unlocked automatically over the next two years.
In other news, a proposal to burn a large number of UST tokens was approved today. Terra's community pool will be depleted of about 1.38 billion tokens, as well as the Ethereum cross-chain bridge. This action will reduce UST's supply by 11% from its present level of 11.28 billion.
The proposal's principal purpose is to "decrease outstanding bad debt" in the Terra economy and assist the stablecoin in returning to its intended peg with the dollar by removing a large amount of surplus supply.
In theory, the mass-burn will also relieve the enormous pressure on the price of LUNA exerted by the expanded UST supply. Despite his opposition to coin destruction, Kwon has previously offered a UST/LUNA burn address.