The software upgrade, called Merge is expected to occur in September. It will transform the Ethereum blockchain by shifting from a Proof-of-Work (PoW) consensus model to a Proof-of-Stake (PoS) model. As a result, it will lead to improved network efficiency and faster transaction speeds and curb negative environmental impacts. According to a Consensus Layer Call, the stakeholders are working on the Merge and dropped hints that the upgrade is about to happen very soon. The possible dates could be September 15 and 16. Although, the timing is still not finalized. The dress rehearsal of Ethereum went smoothly on Goerli Testnet.
The software upgrade has been in development for a long time and is said to revolutionize the way Ethereum transactions operate. Transactions will definitely become more energy efficient. After years of working and delays, the Merge had a smooth sail in the Goerli merge test. However, developers on the call reported a few problems during the merge. Nevertheless, the final release of Merge is set to occur in the mid of September, according to the developers.