The difference between Bitcoin and Ethereum, according to Buterin, is that Bitcoiners believe Bitcoin to be 80% complete. In contrast, Ethereans believe Ethereum to be 40% complete, he said in his opening remarks at the Ethereum Community Conference (EthCC) in Paris.
He said that the long-planned "merge" technical upgrade by Ethereum will cause the 40 percent figure to increase. Buterin said,
"Ethereum can go up to 55% complete after the merge,''
The Ethereum merge is expected to happen around September 19, according to an announcement made by Ethereum developers last week. Although the transfer to the new mechanism, known as Proof-of-Stake (PoS), will strengthen Ethereum, Buterein called the shift "a long and hard process."
He acknowledged that Proof-of-Stake had limitations, such as weak subjectivity, despite being safer than Proof-of-Effort. Buterin still believes that the positives outweigh the negatives. Following the merge, Ethereum's roadmap calls for a four-part upgrade, dubbed "surge, verge, purge, and splurge," to enhance the network's security and decentralization. After this roadmap, Ethereum will be a system that is considerably more scalable, according to Buterin. Ethereum will eventually be able to handle 100,000 transactions per second.