Evidently, Voyager and its clients are entitled to a portion of that money. Voyager said in a press statement on Friday that it presently has about $3 million in FTX, which is primarily composed of restricted LUNA2 and locked SRM.
After FTX's demise, Voyager Digital and the Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors for Voyager declared on Friday that they have restarted the bidding process and are in active conversations with potential bidders. Voyager asserts in a news release that no assets were given to FTX as part of the selling transaction. Voyager Digital is now holding an escrow account for a $5 million due diligence payment made by FTX US.
Additionally, Voyager asserts that it has effectively returned loans from Alameda Research for 6,500 BTC and 50,000 ETH and has no active loans with any borrowers.