The immersive nature of metaverses involves users getting the first-hand tour into the digital space by wearing virtual and augmented reality (VR & AR) equipment. The facilities present a different dimension to entertainment consumption where the user relies on lived experiences instead of imagination. The question about how to access the metaverse demands an understanding of how the digital world works. The VR equipment enables the user to view the virtual world’s environments, while AR facilities ensure real-time sensations in the spaces. The result is a realistic experience where the user engages with other participants in a life-like instead of a movie-like fashion.
CGI backdrops in 3D film production introduce interactivity that enables perfect lighting and character manipulation to produce mind-blowing effects. However, the films cannot suck the user into living through the characters' experiences or understand their sensations beyond imagination. The metaverse thus provides an edge that 3D films cannot match regarding the quality of entertainment outcomes. The metaverse has an advantage over 3D movies since the users can create avatars and use NFTs to have a real-life virtual experience.
The anonymity of users entering the metaverse is a challenge that the film production companies venturing into the space must be aware of. The people joining the platforms only need to create avatars and pick names that are not real before joining in on the fun. However, allowing such individuals to access digital 3D assets that enable film participation will be a risky move.
The potential of users encountering cases of harassment, bullying, and aggressive assaults is high in the digital space. The absence of strict regulations exposes participants to unscripted social behaviours that make it difficult to sustain the film production process in the metaverse. The recent cases of sexual assault in metaverse examples such as Horizon World provide a case study.
Over the years, the evolution of film has come to a point where consumers view 3D content as normal with nothing new to offer. The world encountered the best content over the years, and there is a need to introduce something new to experience. The use of metaverse features such as NFTs within 3D film productions looks to be the next step for the industry. Instead of pulling in opposite directions, the two elements must come together to prove which one is superior in the entertainment scene.
The Unreal Engine is one of the world’s best software developers leveraging metaverse functionality to develop 3D assets that will revolutionize the film industry. The combination of sci-fi and 3D NFTs will help to take film production into the metaverse where different assets interact with human digital twins. The use of VR technology by movie enthusiasts to get an immersive experience of 3D movies sets precedence for integrating AR technology.
The metaverse leverages blockchain technology where creators can earn from different incentives and NFT sales. The 3D film industry can take advantage of the features to ensure high profitability by tokenizing the 3D NFT assets and making them valuables for exchange. The consumers on the platforms can then enjoy the video productions and purchase desirable assets to become part of the content. Every user will want to be part of the film action instead of watching everything unfold while in the metaverse.
The film production firms can also create social tokens for their fans to access film content in the metaverse. The strategy will enable the creators to use their work to get higher returns while allowing their followers to sustain the brand through token acquisition.
Despite the arguments in the article, the question that persists is: Will the metaverse work?
The metaverse is in its trial and error stage, where different measures require implementation and improvement. The best thing to do is to wait and see how the existing strategies work out to determine which innovative ideas will improve the user experience.
The introduction of 3D film production into the space is an encouraging step, but it is equally risky considering the reluctance. It is a place where every step opens the door for the next conversation without knowing how things will end up eventually.