Some of the video creators have been alleging that the video-sharing platform is running a campaign against the crypto-video developers for broadcasting content related to cryptocurrency.
The BTC Session was banned for almost eight hours. Later when the ban was lifted, it clarified that the BTC Session account did not violate any of its community guidelines.
Soon after the BTC Session was started, the creator of the account tweeted, “Thanks to everyone who raised such a big stink on social media. To mitigate risk, I am expanding news-related content to include streaming on YouTube, Twitch, Facebook Live, Twitter via Periscope, and DLive”.
On April 16, Tone Vays, another creator of the YouTube channel related to cryptocurrency, announced on twitter that the platform has banned his channel. Later, after all the verification when video sharing platform restored his channel, Vays not only thanked his followers but all the Bitcoiners who supported him. He expressed his gratitude for those people who supported him by circulating news of his channel ban.
According to a report, when Vays channel was banned he was not able to see other people’s content also, because his entire login was deleted by YouTube.
YouTube has become quite active recently, in banning channels related to cryptocurrencies.
On April 12, 2020, it was reported that YouTube banned the channel of Crypto Crow on April 09, 2020, and later restored it.
A YouTuber, Jason Appleton who is the creator of channel’s management asked YouTube to explain why it banned his channel. Despite explaining, platform indicated some of his videos were flagged.
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