1. Bounty campaign will be managed by Bounty Detective.
2. 500,000 WELB (~$85,000) tokens are to be divided according to the stakes accumulated amongst selected participants.
3. The bounty program has been launched on 05/05/2021 and will run until 15/06/2021.
Note:- The total reward pool's value is estimated and changeable; it is calculated based on the project's token sale prices.
Bounty rewards will be distributed to your BSC wallet until the end of November, 2021.
By agreeing to participate in this bounty, you acknowledge that the wallet address and the email address you submitted are final and can't be changed.
Bounty Detective may perform additional reviews, including but not limited to requesting other documentation for analysis of your joined campaigns if needed. Bounty Detective is under no obligation to send your bounty reward and may, at its discretion, cancel your participation from each ongoing
bounty if the participant does not follow the rules mentioned on this bounty thread.
Bounty Detective has no contribution to the token distribution; unless it announces the exact opposite on group and channel. We are only responsible for the reward distribution of any campaign when we publish it, unless explicitly stated "Bounty Detective has escrowed and guarantees the reward distribution of this bounty."
The USD value of the bounty reward pool is estimated, and it might change regarding different factors. We usually announce the rewards by
calculating their final token sale price if it is not listed on any exchange yet.
Our team has carefully researched the project following several criteria as we did for all of the campaigns we have managed or published.
However, we can't assure the project's success as our duty is to provide a bounty management service for them as freelancers. We are
responsible only for managing the campaign. We are not responsible for the project's success and continuity.
A crypto project has too many factors in reaching their targets. We are not in the team of any project and not their employees, and we can't
guarantee the future progress of any project only because we manage their bounty as freelancers.
We encourage everyone to do their research and due diligence before investing their time or money. Participating in this bounty
campaign or investing in it will be at your own risk.
Kind regards.

1. All Participants need to visit the WellBe Coin’s website.
2. All participants must join the WellBe Coin’s official Telegram group .
3. All participants must join Bounty Detective's Telegram Group and Bounty Detective
4. Talking about the bounty program in the project chat group will lead to immediate disqualification from the campaign and an instant ban from the company chat group.
Please ask your bounty related questions in the Bounty Detective's Group.
5. KYC is not required for the bounty campaign. However, the project's team has the right to require KYC for suspicious cases.
6. Please note that any offensive or inappropriate behavior will lead to immediate disqualification from the campaign.
7. Using multiple accounts, cheating and spamming are not allowed. You will be disqualified from the bounty program immediately and all your accounts will be
banned permanently.
8. Participants can not change their wallet address after registration. Please double check your wallet address before registration for any campaign.
9. Participant’s forum account should be at least 3 months old prior to participating in Article and Video campaigns.
10. Article and Video submission form will be closed 3 days before the end of the bounty.
11. Negative Trusted Accounts may be allowed into this Campaign if the reason for red trust is LIBEL or UNJUSTIFIABLE.
Final Decision is at the Bounty manager's discretion, if you have a massively red trusted account or acquire too many negatives during the campaign,
you accept the risk that you might be eventually removed and your stakes voided.
12. All participants must send the Proof of Authentication post to join the bounty program.
13. All reports will be sent using google report submission form. For articles and videos please use registration form.Reports made on the thread will not be calculated.
Proof Of Registration Format (All participants must send 1 time):
Forum Username:
Forum Profile Link:
Telegram Username:
Participated Campaigns:
BEP-20 Wallet Address:

Twitter 18%
Telegram 15%
LinkedIn 12%
Reddit 10%
Article 20%
Video 15%
Translation 10%
Note: Due to the bounty duration and pool, we have limited the number of participants for this bounty.
Twitter: First 350 approved participants.
Telegram: First 300 approved participants.
LinkedIn: First 250 approved participants.
Reddit: First 200 approved participants.

--> Clicking on the week you want to report will open the report form <--
Week 1 (05.05 - 11.05)
Submit Here ?Week 2 (12.05 - 18.05)? Submit Here
Week 3 (19.05 - 25.05)
Week 4 (26.05 - 01.05)
Week 5 (02.06 - 08.06)
Week 6 (09.05 - 15.06)

--> If you have any problem regarding missing stakes, please fill the form below <--
Complaint Form
Complaint Spreadsheet
Note: Complaints will be checked once in every week.

1. Have more than 501 followers: 1 stake/week
2. Have more than 1501 followers: 2 stakes/week
3. Have more than 5001 followers: 3 stakes/week
4. Have more than 10,001 followers: 4 stakes/week
1. Every participant must follow the WellBe Coin’s Twitter Page.
2. Twitter accounts must have a minimum of 501 followers.
3. Participants have to retweet 5 tweets per week (maximum 1 retweet/day).
4. Time gap between 2 retweets/tweets needs to be 10 hours minimum.
5. Participants must use #WELB #WellBeCoin #Bitcoin #BSC #Crypto
hashtags in every retweet or tweet.
How to join:
1. Join the WellBe Coin's official Telegram Group.
2. Join Bounty Detective's Telegram Group.
3. Fill the registration form:

1. Have more than 501 connections: 1 stake/week
2. Have more than 2501 connections: 2 stakes/week
3. Have more than 4501 connections: 3 stakes/week
4. Have more than 10,001 connections: 4 stakes/week
1. Every participant must follow the WellBe Coin’s official Linkedin Page.
2. Participants must have at least 501 connections.
3. Participants have to share 5 posts per week (maximum 1 share/day).
4. Time gap between 2 shares/posts needs to be 10 hours minimum.
5. Participants must use #WELB #WellBeCoin #Bitcoin #BSC #Crypto
hashtags in every share.
How to join:
1. Join the WellBe Coin’s official Telegram Group.
2. Join Bounty Detective's Telegram Group.
3. Fill the registration form:

5 stakes/week
1. Update your Telegram name to "Your Name | WellBe Coin''. Only one project is allowed in your Telegram name.
2. Replace your profile picture with WellBe Coin’s Logo
3. Write at least 5 constructive messages in other crypto-related telegram groups.
Posts/messages must be constructive, useful and in a way which will not be considered as spamming.
4. Deleted messages will not be counted.
5. Report your telegram message links weekly. Please obey the report dates and format.
6. You must stay in the telegram group until the end of the campaign to receive your stakes.
7. You must wear WellBe Coin’s avatar and text until the end of the campaign to receive your stakes.
How to join:
1. Join the WellBe Coin's official Telegram Group.
2. Join Bounty Detective's Telegram Group.
3. Fill the registration form:

1. Have more than 20 Karma: 1 stake/week
2. Have more than 500 Karma: 2 stakes/week
3. Have more than 2500 Karma: 3 stakes/week
4. Have more than 5000 Karma: 4 stakes/week
1. Every participant must follow the WellBe Coin’s official Reddit Page.
2. Reddit account must be at least 1 month old with at least 10 posts and 20 karmas.
3. Upvote at least 1 Reddit post from WellBe Coin subreddit weekly and 5 posts per week.
Posts should have a minimum of 75 characters to be considered.
How to join:
1. Join the WellBe Coin's official Telegram Group.
2. Join Bounty Detective's Telegram Group.
3. Fill the registration form:

We are looking for writers, bloggers, and journalists who are willing to produce quality written content about the project.
The produced written contents must be quality and unique.
High quality: 3 stakes
Good quality: 2 stakes
Average quality: 1 stake
1. Articles should be quality and unique with a minimum of 500 words.
(Participants who copy the project's website, whitepaper or ANN thread, will not receive rewards).
Views and comments at least 10 likes/comments/upvotes and 100 claps would be taken note of.
2. Each participant can write 1 article only.
3. Participant's forum account should be at least 3 months old prior to participating in the article campaign.
4. Articles should be published on blogs recommended by us: Steemit, Medium and LinkedIn and must be publicly accessible.
Other high ranked blogs may be accepted.
5. Content must focus on a relevant topic: project features, latest project's token updates, blockchain, etc.
6. Only quality and original content will be accepted.
7. Articles should never be removed.
8. Removal/deletion will result in disqualification.
9. Published Articles must include at least 2 images of the project, link to the the Proof of Authentication, project's website,
Medium page, Twitter page, Telegram group, YouTube channel or any other social media.
10. Please provide enough details of the writer at the end of the article to ensure authenticity. This will be verified!
11. By joining this program, all participants accept that the project's team can use all these articles as marketing materials.
How to join:
1. Join the WellBe Coin's official Telegram Group.
2. Join Bounty Detective's Telegram Group.
3. Fill the registration form:
Note: Article submission will be closed 3 days before the end of the bounty.

High quality: 3 stakes (High quality video and >5000 views)
Good quality: 2 stakes (Good quality video and >2000 views )
Average quality: 1 stake (Average quality video and >700 views)
1. Videos need to be a minimum of 3 minutes in length and have at least 500 subscribers.
2. Each participant can send 1 video only.
3. Participant's forum account should be at least 3 months old prior to participating in the video campaign.
4. Video contents must focus on a relevant topic: project features, latest project's token updates, blockchain, etc.
5. Only original video content will be accepted. Copy from the project website, YouTube channels or from others' work will be rejected.
6. Videos should never be removed.
7. Removal/deletion will result in disqualification.
8. All videos need to have a link to the Proof of Authentication, project's website,
Medium page, Twitter page, Telegram group, YouTube channel or any other social media.
9. Please provide enough details of the producer (bounty hunter) at the end of the video to ensure authenticity. This will be verified!
10. By joining this program, all participants accept that the project's team can use all these videos as marketing materials.
How to join:
1. Join the WellBe Coin's official Telegram Group.
2. Join Bounty Detective's Telegram Group.
3. Fill the registration form:
Note: Video submission will be closed 3 days before the end of the bounty.

Translation of our Whitepaper is required in 15 languages: Korean, Chinese, Russian, Japanese, Urdu, French, Italian, Dutch,
Portuguese, Spanish, Turkish, Indonesian, Vietnamese, Hindi, Arabic.
Whitepaper Translation: 100 stakes
1. Translation of our Whitepaper is required in 15 languages: Korean, Chinese, Russian, Japanese, Urdu, French, Italian, Dutch, Portuguese, Spanish, Turkish, Indonesian, Vietnamese, Hindi, Arabic.
2. Translators must be a native speaker of the aforementioned languages.
3. Translators must have work experience as a translator in other Bounty programs (links to your previous works).
4. Please fill the registration to reserve your native language. Do not start the translation before getting approval from the BM.
5. Translations by using translator programs will be disqualified from all of the Bounty Detective Bounties.
6. By joining this program, all participants accept that the project team can use all of these translations as marketing materials.
7. Upon completion of translation, send the link to your work using THIS FORM
How to join:
1. Join the WellBe Coin's official Telegram Group.
2. Join Bounty Detective's Telegram Group.
3. Fill the registration form:
Don't forget to join our Telegram channel, follow us Facebook, Linkedin, Pinterest, and Twitter to receive new airdrops!
Related Bounty
Cryptoknowmics is the right site to visit and participate in airdrops to tap bounty. Cryptoknowmics is the best website that provides all the news about the latest airdrops and bounties. This online crypto guide will benefit its users in assisting bounty crypto hunters with all the essential data of famous ongoing bounties in a particular duration.